My birthday this year did something to me. I can't quite put my finger on it but it feels big in a slow, rumbling sort of way. Kind of like sunflowers do. They hang their heads in darkness but stand firm in the faith they'll see the sun soon. And once they've seen the light, there's no stopping their glow. My favorite flower. My favorite time of the season. My year always starts in August.

A note to me, at 24!:

  1. Sometimes when you think you need change, you really need rest.

  2. You found a man who brings a kiss to your neck with every handful of sunflowers. Well, my love, you have bumped into your moon soul.

  3. That dark, deep place inside you? It's there to remind you of the importance of light.

  4. That quote you saw in high school, the one about "if you want to fly, don't hang around with chickens"? It's TRUE.

  5. That lump in your throat, it's your voice trying to tell you, "let's stop trying to be perfect". Listen to her.

  6. You are brave. For sticking with it, giving it a chance & letting it go.

  7. The container garden in your backyard is bringing you closer.

  8. You will never enjoy running. It's ok.

  9. When you say never, life usually brings you something to challenge the statement.

  10. It's not for them.

  11. And when it is, let it be your gift to them. Don't try to change them. Respect everyone's right to their own opinion.

  12. Giggles cure gremlins.

  13. You can buy all the self-help books in the world, girl, but experience will show you full force every. damn. time.

  14. Your parents are humans too. They'll make mistakes. You'll still love them—as they do you—unconditionally.

  15. The Sun. The Moon. The Earth. Remember this on days you let email get the best of you.

  16. Treat men with empathy too. We all show shame & vulnerability differently.

  17. You're going to hurt someone's feelings. Forgive yourself by bedtime.

  18. The weight of the world is not for your shoulders. Enjoy your coffee.

  19. When me flips to we, your journey has expanded. It's earth-shaking. Feel the beautiful rumble.

  20. Coffee. Beer. Wine. Kombucha. Don't forget the water.

  21. Sometimes they're saying things about you because of themselves. Taking it personally gives you gut rock. Release, baby.


  23. Life isn't about trying to be everything. You'll find your sweet spot. Take breaks, give it a chance to find you.

  24. Begin. Always...just...begin.

I love you, brave girl. –Em

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.


The Solar Plexus Chakra


Summer Denim