Coaster Spruce-Up


This weekend was the first weekend I've been home since July! Being "bored" has been a luxury as I sit with my hard cider next to the open window to feel the fall air & watch the sun dance between the tree branches. I forgot how open your mind becomes when you let yourself sit still. Which is how this set of 4 coasters came to be. They've been laying around our living room, blank canvases waiting to be filled. I was inspired by these Luvocracy beauties on Pinterest. Instead of repinning, I decided to repurpose.

What you'll need:

  1. White acrylic paint (I used acrylic gesso because it's all I had. Worked great but it was a bit thick)

  2. Cork coasters

  3. Paintbrushes

 Total project cost: $10

I've been loving triangles & geometric patterns lately. I'm not sure if it's because they're the direct opposite of circles—which I've been obsessed with since design school (seriously, so many circles in my portfolio!) —or because triangles are a symbol of change.

I don't do well with the uncertainty that comes with change. Doodling triangles & incorporating them throughout my house is my attempt to embrace change a little more than I have in the past. I think more lessons are learned when you accept what life has handed you rather than fight it. Of course, this is super easy to write & super challenging to do. How do you embrace change? I'd love to get better at it.

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

Calm amongst the storm


The fear of beginning