Color Theory: Blush Me Pink

If my 13-year old self could see me a decade later, she would be completely confused with how in love I am with soft pink hues. I used to defy pink. Too girly. Too bright. Not serious enough. Oh silly me. I am so happy when I get over my color hang-ups so I can see new beauty.

Feminine. Delicate. Pure.

I've been defying pink for so long—thinking I would be taken more seriously if I didn't wear it—that I've been missing out on my true feminine strength. Now I've been putting on my pink skinnies, lace tops, some bright rouge & feel more en fleur than ever. And why was I wanting to be taken so seriously, anyway? A wise friend once told me, "life isn't that serious."

No, no it is not. So as I sit here bundled in bed with more winter weather raging outside the window, I'll be daydreaming of when I'm laying on the beach, soaking up the sun & feeling worthy of her warmth for simply being. In bloom.

A few pink-hued goods I'm saving for:

What colors make you feel sexy & strong?

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

Maturity With a Side of Rebellion


A Love Letter