Reader Survey and a name change?

You guys, my head has been spinning this week. If you've been reading BG for a while, you know I can be a perfectionist to a fault. I can also be too hard on myself and let doubt get the best of me. I feel like I've gotten caught up in wanting to make an impact and have my own business. So much that I have gotten lost in the shuffle. I've kind of confused myself between who Emily Bode is and who Brave Girl is. I thought we were one and the same but then a few things happened:

I'm not always brave and it's not always my main focus.
I'm also other things like...playful, serious, assertive, focused, witty, thoughtful, a hot mess who doesn't shower every day.

It's gotten to the point where I go to start a post and I think, "how is this brave?", "Is this really a courageous topic?", "I don't feel brave today so I guess I shouldn't write anything". DOUBTS. PRESSURE to always show up the same way.

I'm also not a girl anymore (but not yet a woman...I know you know these lyrics.) But for real, I am a WOMAN. So girl feels a little...not where I'm at in my life anymore. Which is awesome! I don't know how long I've wondered and pined for feeling like a woman and here I am. There are days I still honor the little girl inside of me but I'm also growing into another phase of my life and I want to honor her too.

What does all this mean? I honestly don't know but I read the quote above from Eileen Fisher in this book the other day and I can't stop thinking about it now. Another thing Eileen said is that she wished she would've put herself at the center of her world earlier on in life instead of making everything solely about the business. Hollah Eileen, for real.

Reader survey: Brave Girl or Emily Bode?

Brave Girl Survey Because of this and a lot of other reflections I've been doing about my life, my relationships, my career – what do you guys think, should I change my blog from Brave Girl to simply my name, Emily Bode? I have a few other questions in this survey I'd love your input on because I want to talk about the things we have in common. I'm not the only woman more lost now than I was at the beginning of my 20's. Or am I?! Shit. haha.

If you're in a similar season, please fill out this survey and let's tackle it together. I'm so grateful to each and every one of you for joining me on this journey. I hope to connect with you and provide insight on what's happening in my life RIGHT NOW. With my career, marriage, creativity and our shared obsession for all things Target.

I truly believe supporting each other and being open about our struggles is what helps us get through them, or at least feel less alone in them. We're all in this together and I love so much that this space has brought me to each of you. Here's to not knowing what's next but walking it together. xx, EM 

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

What I learned at the Yellow Conference in Los Angeles


Rural to Urban: A moving update & where we are