Another Shower Story

Last year, I started questioning the ingredients in my bathroom products because I couldn't pronounce them & hated how the bright-colored bottles turned my attempt at serenity in the shower into a college rave of neon colors. I've learned a lot since my last shower story.

I've been slowly weeding out my chemical-based products with closer-to-organic ones, especially after meeting Teri at Sérendipité Organiques in East Hills, Grand Rapids. She has a wealth of knowledge, dispels many organic myths & completely lives out what she preaches. I have a soft spot for people who start a business to share with others the good they're already doing at home.

Most people I've talked to hesitate to try natural products due to expense or sensitive skin concerns. The price increase is worth it to me because these highly concentrated products generally last longer. Just because it's natural or organic doesn't always mean it's the best mix for your skin type though so I often research ingredients before use.

I've gathered a list of natural products working for me in hopes it'll cut down your trial & error time if you've been wanting to try natural alternatives but aren't sure where to start:

Shower Basics

Yep, I only use 4 things. 2 of them I use every other day & 1 is mainly for a fresh shower scent so if you haven't thought, "this girl is such a hippie" yet, now's the time. Momma calls me minimal, Daddy calls me dirty but these are the things I love to talk about & use regularly-ish:

Shampoo by Organic Matter, $16

My experiment with the rosemary tea tree shampoo last year was a flop. The crown of my head got real greasy since my pores were finally allowed to "breathe". My hair turned coarse & unbrushable. Whoever said beauty is pain must have switched to natural shampoo. It was a 6-month struggle to get a brush through my hair until I chopped it all off & started using this. My head is now mostly toxin-free & silky smooth after 1 week. I use a dime-sized amount every other day so yeah, it'll last forever.

Conditioner by Organic Matter, $16

Part 2 to getting my hair back to its natural state was this matching conditioner. I stopped by Teri's one day in a tizzy—greasy top-knot & all—when she suggested using a conditioner with shampoo to balance my natural oils & decrease build-up. Is this a Hair 101 rule I didn't know about? It's a rule I'm sticking to because it's working.

Chamomile & Lavender Soap by Bubble & Bee, $4

Still have my pile of all-natural bar soaps I'm working through. I got 5 bars for my birthday so my family's either real supportive or not-so-subtly telling me I stink. Did you know a 100% organic soap doesn't exist? It's true but I love the smell of earthy ingredients so I'm stickin' with.

Peppermint Oil by Now, $7

A recent obsession. Peppermint oil smells so fresh & wakes me up in the morning. It helps relieve headaches & motion sickness so I use it on long road trips too. I prefer essential oils from Rocky Mountain Oils but picked this up at the local health food store in a pinch.

Treat Yoself Essentials

My natural alternatives are quickly making their way past the shower doors & into the bathroom cabinet. I'm thinking of doing a natural makeup round-up in the near future. Does anyone have a great organic foundation they use? I'm at a loss.

Spearmint & Tea Tree Pit Putty by Bubble & Bee, $8

This is a gem I want everyone in the world to wear because it smells amazing & continues to smell amazing all day long. Plus, it isn't an antiperspirant meaning this putty won't plug your sweat glands with aluminum-based compounds. Antiperspirants also alter armpit bacteria negatively & can make you smell worse in the long run. I've tried 3 other natural stick deodorants but none made me feel I found my armpit soulmate as much as this one.

Cool Cucumber Facial Cleanser by Bubble & Bee, $15

Still warming up to this one but I've found using it both morning & night is most effective for my skin type. It's gentle cleansing & free of synthetic detergents, preservatives & artificial fragrances so it won't make your skin sensitive or bacterial resistant. It's been difficult for me to see if it's really working because my foundation is undoing everything this cleanser does (another reason I'm on the lookout for a new foundation).

Luminous Body Oil by Herbivore Botanicals, $28

This baby lasted me 9 months & the current scent is a lower price than what I originally got mine for. I feel so moisturized & cozy after putting it on post-shower. No artificial or animal ingredients, parabens, fragrances, unnatural preservatives, or animal testing on their products or ingredients. The ingredients are crafted to be completely therapeutic.

Relaxing Lavender Mineral Bath Salts by Aura Cacia, $3

I don't know that this product is natural or organic at all but the scents put me in bathtime zen I think I've been waiting for all my life. From the relaxing lavender to the tranquil chamomile, I treat these like collector's items. Except for the fact that I use them. A lot.

Learning from people making a conscious effort to offer well-crafted products free from harmful chemicals & cruel animal practices has become quite a hobby of mine. It fills me up to have a home filled with hard work & intention. Sérendipité is a local organic body care shop I've had a great experience with because I've learned so much from the shop owner, Teri. Because we share a lot of the same views,

Teri is giving any Grand Rapids Brave Girl interested in organic body care goods a discount* for the month of November at Sérendipité. Just mention you're a Brave Girl reader! Hopefully, this offer will help if you want to try out a few products on a budget. Any essentials in your home you can't do without?

This post is not sponsored by Sérendipité Organiques & I'm not an affiliate for any of the products mentioned. It's my unpaid opinion, my fresh experiences with natural products, & my hopes that you'll stop by my generous friend's beautiful shop if you're inspired to. –Love, Emily

*Discount is not valid on some product lines, during events, or with other specials/offers.

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

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