Full Moons & Freakouts
Technically, the freak out happened last weekend but I'm still hungover from it & the full moon has been in Taurus since last night so expect any rages or freakouts to be the exact topic you need to dig deeper on right now. I know this. Mystic Mamma told me so. This week was a lot of head-down work & prepping clients for the upcoming holiday season but I did take a breath of air long enough for:
Holiday decorating at the greenhouse
It's my first holiday season at the greenhouse meaning I had to "fluff" the trees. After 5 trees fluffed, I understood why it was a job for the new girl. We turned on Christmas music, most customers came in & said "too early" but no, it's never too early to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year!
The Jess Lively Show with Erin Loechner
Erin's blog, Design for Mankind, was one of the first I ever read. I love the way she plays with words & finds a connection between every day & the bigger picture. Hearing her speak on freelancing, family & quitting the rat race was a 50-minute long moment of clarity for me.
A quick visit from Meg
Working from home makes me crave the time I have with friends. It's been me & this screen all week so time with Meg was refreshing. We slowed down long enough to chat about the challenges & celebrations we've had lately. One of hers being the cutest little boy they've just welcomed into their family! I smiled as she backed down the driveway & yelled out her window, "Hang in there!"
Hannah Brencher's writing
This girl is reading my mind. She kept me up way late this week with chills from her intuitive words. What stuck the most: "You're okay. Stop looking for a reason to not be okay."
Gettin' schooled by Sian Richardson's Biz + Self-Employment articles
Sian's story is similar to mine with the exception of being in the game longer & not working with plants. At least, I don't think she has. She's a kickass brand + ebooks designer who calls it as she sees it & solidified the icky feeling I had about affiliate programs. The biggest takeaway for me though: "...[as a creative] it's not your job to regurgitate what everyone else is already doing or talking about." It's so easy to seek out inspiration as a procrastination tool now (hello, Pinterest!) but it leads to a black hole creatively. I want my clients to have a visual avenue to express what's inside of them not express a replicated exterior of someone else. It's a lot of heart work but every time I follow this harder path, I'm much happier with the results (& so are my clients!).
Earth is prepping for the slow season this week. The lake's gone quiet, the wind is lazy. I'm setting my sights on a cozy & slow weekend too. What are your plans?! Peace + freakouts, brave ones.