Fly Free
We have bald eagles living by our house. They moved to town at the beginning of February but nobody knows why. I see them perched in trees overlooking the bayou & soaring above the town as I go about my daily routine. Have you ever seen an eagle? His ease as he glides through the air makes for the most powerful aviator. He is the wisest in flight, naturally rising above the chaos until it serves him.
Last week, two eagles started circling Tiger & me as we were out walking. They were stealthy, using the canopy from pine trees & branches to remain hidden as they flew lower & lower to the ground. I looked up & wondered if we were their meal—fish were deep under the frozen water & all the critters were hibernating, after all—but I got so caught up in their majestic soar & their intimidating wingspan that I paused for my predator.
Ok, maybe they weren't hunting.
Maybe they were watching over me. I am a strong believer that humans aren't the only beings who communicate with humans. If that were the case, what good would faith, love, or trust be in this life? We are all connected here. I needed clarification on why I felt so comforted by seeing Eagles that were quite possibly seeing me as their dinner.
“Eagles are always very special and good signs. They represent protection, wealth, wisdom, foresight, strength, and spirituality...Sometimes the Great Creator sends in an Eagle just to check up on us, so when we see this, we always give special thanks to the Creator and the Eagle. The Eagle carries our prayers directly to the Great Creator.”
It then made sense to me because this winter I felt pretty burnt out chasing dreams like a hamster at the wheel (you know, monotonous movement not really leading to anywhere). Mix that with some large doses of reality & you've got a soul-heavy dreamer who can't seem to break her funk. But watching the eagles made me realize why they're here. He really takes care of us, doesn't He? Sending His wonderful beings to remind His wonderful beings that we're all in this together. Reminding us that running away from a challenge will land us right where we started until the lesson is complete.
So I hope the Eagle has been taking my prayers directly to our Great Creator. For me, yes, but more importantly for my brother. Especially this week. He's a young Marine who's had his share of challenges lately & is in the middle of a particularly hellish one as I write this. His wit, his stoic gaze when he's focused on a goal, and his ability to rise above the chaos are just like the Eagle.
I pray my brother is using these strengths to get him through. Good vibes, Em.