The Root Chakra

I have had an amazing experience with the Chakra Meditation Series at On The Path Yoga that I must share with you! At the beginning of the year, I wanted to focus on replenishing my mind, body & spirit so I jumped headfirst into this opportunity.

Each week, the yoga instructor guided us through a meditation where we focused on a specific chakra throughout our body. She was so calm & patient, I immediately felt at ease in the meditation circle. My hopes were to quiet mind chatter & get closer to my center but it quickly became more than that. A whole new world opened up for me! I found myself counting down the hours until the next meditation every week.

We started at the root—the Muladhara Chakra—and worked our way up through the 7 most common chakras.

The root chakra is represented by the color red.

  • Located at the base of the spine.

  • Influences our primal instinct & sense of smell.

  • The symbol is a 4-petaled lotus flower that encircles a square. The square represents its element, Earth & each of her directions; North, West, South, and East. The downward triangle represents the spirit forming into matter, that sense of groundedness that makes us feel open & secure when we are balanced here.

  • Ailments like lower back pain, a poor immune system & anxiety happen when the root chakra isn't in balance.

  • Eating foods directly from the earth, exercising & establishing some daily routines help keep this chakra in balance.

Needless to say, I had quite the meditation. I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day because I had finally accepted the whirlwind of change that has happened in the last year. Accept first, then transform. The Replenished Chakra Series is my first delve into each of the 7 energy centers. It has been a very personal experience I love to share because of how good it's made me feel. It led me to wonder how I could help any of you who may feel similar energy imbalances like I have found in myself.

You can use these essential oils if you're feeling stuck, have an imbalanced digestive system, anxiety, or lower back pain.

  • Place a few dabs across lower back (sacrum, near the root chakra) or soles of feet.

  • Strength + Groundedness: Cedarwood & sandalwood come from trees, rooted deep into the earth.

  • Relax + Unwind: put any of these oils on before bed.

  • Aphrodisiac: Sex is one of the best ways to balance your root chakra so these oils can help stimulate that desire. Always a plus!

  • Patchouli has a very intense smell. That could mean a lot of things. It isn't for everybody but I love it because it's what my mom wears often.

 There are many ways to use essential oils for a more clean & natural living. Teas, food, candles, an alternative to house cleaners, etc. I'm going to begin with cedarwood for my root chakra & borrow some of my mom's patchouli.

Anyone else feeling a bit stiff & rigid from hibernating all winter?! This girl is. So I'm going to soak up some cedarwood, let my hair down & dance those blues away this weekend. My root chakra told me so! xo, Em.

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

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