On a Day Off

The freelance life isn't really conducive to days off (why didn't anyone tell me that a year ago?!) but I was fortunate to have a 4-day weekend with Joel a few weeks back. It was at the end of February when the cabin fever was strong & the sun had been weak long enough. We had to get out of this place for our sanity!

Before we headed north to go snowboarding, I built a shelf out of wood from my Uncle's old barn & transferred all my plants to bigger pots so they'll be ready to take off after the last frost. I'm also trying my hand at propagating succulents & started them, as well.

I learned how to use a circular saw thanks to the shelf-building (it basically works like a sewing machine), got excited about life & how we grow, grow, grow thanks to the plant-transferring & got a whole lot of "fuck!"'s out of my system as I fell down the slopes on my snowboard. You really can't ask for a better day off than that.

Daring to take more days off, Em

Week 10/52 of the #52handlettered project with Miranti Kayess (formerly Pen & Peplum)

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.




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