Have a Little Help
I should not be writing this (my calendar has me slotted for client work right now & I haven't quite finished my morning admin work) but I must be writing this (I cannot keep ignoring my pulse in the name of productivity).
Do you ever notice that after you've run yourself ragged, that's when people start coming out of the woodwork to help you? & you're grateful yet curious as to why they're showing themselves to you now? It feels like magic to me. That has been my week & I keep crying, partly from exhaustion, but also in a releasing sense that I have asked for help & people have offered it to me so selflessly.
A few things they've said:
"Let it spin & admire the patterns".
"You're running. Please stop so you can build".
"You went to bed in a cocoon & woke up a butterfly."
"Those that have the most invested are the least likely to give in."
"You're the right person for this."
Why now? Because I desperately need it. I wait a little too long to ask for help. I want to do everything, be everything, see everything & have everything. The people who know me best are patient with this. I think it's good to pursue all of these things until it throws you off balance. You cannot get back into balance by yourself. It's okay to depend on others to help you realign. They may need you someday to help them realign & you will be there.
Thinking of you, Em