Foreign Words
Il Bel Far Niente: The Art of Doing Nothing
It's ironic that this Italian phrase is what I was drawn to this week since I haven't been in this state of chaos since my last semester of college. I suppose we often long for what we don't have.
Mama Moon & Joel have this joke about being sooo busy. They think it's silly that we walk around claiming how busy we are like it's a badge of honor or an excuse to be unkind. Sometimes people say it for you, "Oh, you must be so busy..." or they preface their request for a favor, "I know you're probably busy but can you...?". Mama Moon responds to these statements beautifully,.
“No, I'm actually not very busy. I simply didn't make that a priority."
You are never too busy to:
Look someone in the eye & smile.
Take 1 minute to look around you, you're breathing for gosh sake.
Have lunch, really taste your food. Let it be an experience with an enlightening conversation instead of a backdrop to your screen full of to-dos.
There is a difference between busy (frazzled, burnt out, bitter) & full (balanced, energetic, lucid). I'm choosing full. Happy Friday, friends! Em
Week 14/52 of the #52handlettered project with Miranti Kayess (formerly Pen & Peplum)