Motivational Mantra

I do not know how to relax.

I haven't relaxed since I was about 5 when my dad used to braid my hair before school & let me pick out my own outfits. By braid, I mean a series of knots that kept my hair out of my face except for the strays that stuck to my cheeks due to the applesauce at lunch. By outfits, I mean a rainbow of colors that didn't match because I was going to call the shots on what I wore.

Ok, maybe I've never known how to relax but life brings you what you need when the time is right. Right now I need to ride the wave because I'm exhausted with trying to control everything, with worrying if I'm saying the right words at the right moment, and with the hustle that is only hard when you're not being kind to yourself.

You can't calm the stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass. — Timber Hawkeye

So when my Jeep windows won't defrost as I'm driving down the highway, after we already paid someone to fix that problem months ago, I'm ridin' the wave man.

When there are clumps of Tiger's hair throughout the house ONE DAY after I vacuum every room & every rug. Cool dude, ridin' the wave.

When I look at my task list at 4pm & only 2 have been completed because the sun came out & blew a warm wind up to the doorstep that told me, "Write, write, write. The checkboxes will be here when you return."

Well, you know what I'm going to say...I'm ridin’ the wave.

Love, Em

Week 13/52 of the #52handlettered project with Miranti Kayess (formerly Pen & Peplum)

Emily Bode

Senior graphic designer, artist, & hobby writer based near the Lake Michigan Lakeshore.

Foreign Words


A Lyric