Career Emily Bode Career Emily Bode

My Interview About Competition with Currently Kherington

I recently spent the golden hour talking about Community Over Competition with Kherington McFarland of Currently Kherington and photographer Leigh Ann Cobb. We sipped on lattes and champagne in a cozy little booth at Lyon Street Café, a Grand Rapids hub for dream chasers and young professionals.

Our chat consisted of the woes of homeownership, city living vs. lake living, and being business owners in our respective fields — design, blogging, and photography. We agreed the direction our careers have gone can be lonely & isolating. All the more reason to connect with the artists & entrepreneurs of your community and BYOC (bring your own co-workers). There was a lot of laughter, energy, & encouragement as the sunset behind the city.

I shared with Kherington what Community over Competition means to me:

I used to think collaborating with a national corporate brand or publication would be the sign I "made it". This is not to say I wouldn't love to collaborate with the likes of Darling Magazine, Cuyana, or Megan Gilger of The Fresh Exchange because those would be nice. I just mean in dreaming of those partnerships I forgot the magic that happens in collaborating with your neighbor. I've found so much joy and friendship in joining forces with amazing women like you [Kherington] and other local creatives. I'd love to collaborate on a community event or a shop product of some sort.

See full interview on Currently Kherington.

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Style Emily Bode Style Emily Bode

This Week. The end of August.

Phew, this is the first time all week I've had a moment to take a breather...Thursday night at 11 pm.

Joel's out celebrating some killer work accomplishments with his team and I'm in bed, writing like I'm Carrie Bradshaw. Tiger's with his grandparents up north at his favorite place and I'm missing him. He usually lays right next to me when I write. This week was nuts. I figured it would be but nothing can really prepare you for starting two new jobs after working in solitude from your home studio all summer.

Monday and Wednesday I had my first two classes as an adjunct design professor at GVSU. I'm teaching typography and print design to juniors and boy are they antsy to get in the field. It's interesting that people say Millennials and younger are lazy, entitled, and purposeless. The students in my class so far are ready to take on the world and motivated to pursue their design careers. They want to learn everything. Some students have already come up to me with personal matters and while I'm surprised at the openness, I also felt a purpose in my class I've never felt before. I don't know what will come of it but that feeling, wow it's a beautiful thing to feel.

August Moodboard by Emily Bode | Emily Bode blog

A lot of new this week

Then Tuesday and Thursday I started working at a print shop in town. We print a lot of blueprints and signs for the construction industry but I'm the "graphics technician" which means I do the more detailed print jobs like making copies of artists’ original works, color correcting, and printing them on high-quality art paper. It's miscellaneous and the atmosphere is so relaxed and I'm surrounded by paper and ink all day. It's not fancy or stylish and I love it. I'm basically doing what I'm teaching in real-time.

Today I scanned all these photos of presidents of the Women's Literary Club. The club dates back to 1888 so there were a lot of president’s pictures to scan! I noticed all of the women's names were "Mrs. [husband first name, husband last name]" up until the late 90's presidents. It baffles me why married women didn't go by their own names. Did they feel like they had their own identity despite being called Mrs. John Walker? Why, as the president of a female club, did they put up with that? I don't know, it was something I was thinking about after editing all these women's photos today. We still get mail that says Mr. & Mrs. Joel Bode and it pisses me off. MY NAME IS NOT JOEL. I AM MY OWN PERSON.

That's a full week in and of itself and then we had a few events after work that kept us out late. I co-worked with Kherington for a bit tonight. It was great to catch up with her and chat about our projects. She has some awesome partnerships coming up and is just so easy to talk with. She helped me see I'm more than capable and experienced to get compensated for working with companies in town. I do this all the time with my design clients but when it comes to my blog, not so much. I usually shy away from it because I don't know how to go about the conversation or I don't want to come across inauthentic. But I think I can be authentic and still be compensated for a lot of the work that I put into this space of mine.

My Aunt texted me this the night before my first class. Perfect. Timing!

There's so much change going on right now, which makes me anxious and want to cry from exhaustion a little. The people I love and adore so much have supported me so much with thoughtful texts, snail mail, phone calls to just listen to me ramble on. To have angels let me be me and cheer me on makes me really happy.

Midwestern fall living room style | Emily Bode blog

I'm loving these Jesse Kamm pants right now, a wish list item for sure. I'm thinking a lot about teacher style and pinned some inspiration tonight. John Mayer's instagram is reminding me why I love his music so much. Found him from another instagram I'm loving, What Kate Finds. Anything using this typeface. These illustrations from Duvet Days are on my list to get for my studio. I'm working on the newsletter for it to launch in mid-September. This book is my next purchase and this book is on my nightstand. Y'all might have helped me save this chair.

I'm so ready for bed now! Thanks for being here. xo, Em

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Moon Emily Bode Moon Emily Bode

August | Life Lately

Life lately in tune with the monthly full moon cycle.

July Thunder Moon – August Full Moon

Year 1 of this series is complete! Last August I promised myself I would see this project through & here we are. Not only did it help me be consistent in my personal process, but it was also the catalyst to working with Heyday Lab on Grateful Dead-inspired wedding invitations. I've connected with so many of you thanks to this project & am happy to have stumbled into fellow Moon Lovers like you. I also found this book soon after starting the series: The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams, I highly recommend.

On to Year 2! (You can see my first 13 moons here).



GVSU Design Professor this Fall

This week was the first week of classes. I was SO nervous Monday but it ultimately went great & I was floating with joy after my first class. This is the course book I can't wait to share with the students: Designing For Print, The Art and Science by Marina Joyce. I wish I had a resource book like this when I first learned about print design & production. My mind is buzzing with ideas to help my students reach their semester goals & teach them all I can about typography, layout, the history of design, etc. I've gone from wondering how I will fill the time in my class to not having enough of it!

See more on creativity


Creative Grace Newsletter

I wanted to share a seasonal newsletter with you with the launch of my new site last month. The way we prefer to read changes all the time & I'd rather share posts with you in a way that is easiest for you to read them. We're all hustlin' so I'd like to gift you a dose of inspiration when it works for you (you can follow me on bloglovin' or Instagram to know when I've posted in real-time). The first newsletter will be sent out mid-September and will include tidbits of inspiration and encouragement for the coming season. You can sign up for it here.


Mackinac Island for our 2 year anniversary

Joel surprised me with a long weekend on Mackinac Island to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary. I'm so, so excited about it! Being on an island with no cars in Northern Michigan is what my dreams are made of. A lot of you shared shops, restaurants, and hikes we need to check out while we're there so we'll definitely be ready to explore once we step on the island.


Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Summer 10x10 Challenge

My 3rd 10x10 challenge is in the books! It was fun to add more color and pattern into my looks than I had for the Spring and Winter challenges. See my 10 items, my 10 final looks, and how the challenge has shifted my mindset on capsule wardrobes. I think the Fall 10x10 will be different with my new schedule teaching and less laidback studio days.

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

My 28th birthday

I celebrated my birthday making a fruit smoothie with my new blender, going to the beach with my boys, lounging on our hammock, and went swimming in Lake Michigan. I didn't end up seeing the meteor shower because I fell asleep too early all weekend! I wrote a full post on being 28, check it out here.

27 / 26 / 24


Emily Bode new site

Since renaming my blog to just my name, I've gone back & forth if I made the right decision. Then I was listening to a podcast between Jenna Kutcher and Kathleen Barnes (Carrie Bradshaw Lied). Jenna said she didn't make a big deal about rebranding so no one else did either. Hmm, cool. Probably over-thinking it as usual. Thank you for your kind words of support & encouragement with the launch of my new site!

Subscribe to my newsletter for seasonal inspiration

Full Moon Monthly recaps life lately and what’s on the horizon. See all moons here.

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Home Emily Bode Home Emily Bode

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge

After talking to a few people this week about what I've been up to lately, I realize I never mentioned we've moved back to our cottage near the lake! It's been a whirlwind of a summer. When I talk to different clients and blogger friends, most are like, "Oh! You're not in town anymore?" Nope, we moved back to our house, lovingly called the Moon Lodge.


Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Why we moved back to the lake

We kept finding ourselves in the city escaping to a body of water. We grabbed dinner and drinks at Rose's on Reeds Lake a lot last summer. We laughed about moving to the city just to do what we did back home; spend time together by the lake.

During more stressful times at work and with my sick cat, Belle, I would drive out of town to an old farmhouse and dream about starting a family, having chickens and bees, and sitting on the front porch with Joel listening to the cicadas sing in the open space. I found myself escaping the city more than staying in it.

From Joel's rational and pragmatic perspective, it was a financial loss to have an expensive place in the city we were never at. He was right. Don't get me wrong, we had an amazing time in the city. We were more accessible to meet up with friends after work. It was easier to be part of a community of blogger ladies and attend events with them. I'm so happy to have met women in similar walks of life with blogging and owning a business. The city led me to my tribe and allowed me to be present for friendships to grow that I can't always do when I'm at the lake.

Joel and I had a fun city routine and Tiger got a lot of walks to Wilcox Park. We don't regret our year in the city AT ALL but ultimately, the beach was calling...and we had to go.

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

When we decided to make the change

Quite simply, we love the lake life, in all her seasons. There were so many times last year we craved the water. We went on a vacation to Florida a few months before our lease on the apartment was up. We needed to make a decision if we'd stay or go.

Traveling brought us clarity and a fresh perspective at a time we needed to figure out our next move. We didn't put pressure on ourselves to have an answer by the end of the trip but talked about the topic a lot. It was ironic that our vacation was in Ft. Myers Beach. We were surrounded by water again.

We stayed in a one-room cabin on the bay, waking up to dolphins and the marina out our window each morning. Each night we'd watch the sunset over the bay after biking to the beaches. Our answer kept showing itself every time we did something.

By the time we landed in Michigan in time for New Year's Eve, we agreed the lake was where both of our hearts really were.

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

What we gained from our year in the city

It would be have been easier, and definitely cheaper, to ignore the idea of moving to the city. There were many logistics to consider and financial preparation to make it possible. However, it was good timing for Joel and me in our new marriage with our steady careers. It also worked for my brother and his friend who rented our house for the year. We would have always wondered "what if?" if we didn't just go for it.

We learned a lot about each other through it all. Joel needs at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to wind down after work. I need uninterrupted Netflix and wine when I shut down work for the day. Some things challenged us immensely, like finances, schedules, and my aversion to committing to ANYTHING. It required we become better communicators with each other and helped us to empathize with one another on how we view money and what motivates us.

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

What's next...

So what's next? Well, we both agree we want to own a boat soon! There's a lot of things to fix, organize, and update now that we've moved back. We've been reminded of the woes and wonders of homeownership and we're trying to respond accordingly with as little blaming each other as possible. It's tempting on days when the kitchen sink keeps leaking and the front yard keeps sprouting weeds and the lawnmowers say we made a mistake moving to the city. To think we should have stayed home, ignoring the call for an adventure.

But then we take to the tree-lined trail with a happy Tiger. We turn the corner and see the lake, smell the fresh air. The gratitude we feel and the new perspective we have of an old familiar place.


It was all worth it.

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

Urban to Rural: Back to the Moon Lodge | Emily Bode blog

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode


24 I made a list of things I knew in our little rental by the bayou.
25 I came home to 25 red velvet cupcakes.
26 passed quickly, hardly noticed it, I was preoccupied.
27 was a challenge. I did all I knew to do when I get overwhelmed – make a list.

Now, 28. Unlike previous years, I don't have much to say. No list of introspective wisdom or encouragement to a younger self. No cupcakes. It is just silence. I know less & less it seems. I've taken to reading. All summer long. Instead of talking, listening.

Easy beach reads like this and this.
Hopeless romantic reads on the seashore in the 1930s.
Books about our mothers.
The constant battle with creativity.

Always this one, my safety net to a deep, wild, intuitive world:

...if you feel you have lost your mission, your oomph, if you feel confused, slightly off, then look for the Devil, the ambusher of the soul within your own psyche. If you cannot see, hear, catch it in the act, assume it is at work, and above all stay awake—no matter how tired you become, no matter how sleepy, no matter how much you want to shut your eyes to your true work.

How did she know? The true work is not less because no one is paying attention. The true work is not more because everyone is paying attention. True is not more or less. It simply is. We must not fall asleep to our true work despite the ambusher of our soul tempting us to quit the mission.

In reality when a woman has a devil complex, it occurs exactly like this. She is walking along, doing well, minding her own business, and all of a sudden—boom! the Devil jumps out, and all her good work loses energy, begins to limp, coughs, coughs some more, and finally falls over. What we might call the demon complex, uses the voice of the ego, attacks one's creativity, one's ideas and dreams.

The hardest part to swallow about this is that both the soul and the ego have set up camp within us – they reside in the same place yet they can't get along. Both try to protect in our best interest but the ego's approach, or maybe instead the hubris, is rarely successful.

It takes goodly amounts of faith to continue at this time, but we must and we do. ...all elements of the psyche are pulling in one direction, in our direction, and so must we persevere with them. At this point it is a work moving into the homestretch. It would be so wasteful and even more painful to abandon it now.

It is a work indeed. You have scaled one beast of a mountain only to find the light from the newly found sun has moved behind an even taller mountain. You are in shadow again. I used to think the "shadow" meant I failed. Here I am again unhappy, discontent, crying on the bathroom floor.

What am I doing wrong? Why does it always lead to here? Will I ever find the right fit of happiness meant for me? Fortunately, this is not the way it works. I am not doomed to darkness.

All I need to do is acknowledge the sun rises and the sun sets; the sphere we are on makes it so in a daily rotation. It's as simple as acknowledging one revolution around the sun brings us both dark and light seasons. Both are a necessity in the natural cycle of living. The Earth and the way she moves is our breathing example.

May we follow Her. May I celebrate another revolution around the sun.

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Style Emily Bode Style Emily Bode

Summer 10×10: My 10 Looks

Summer 10x10 is in the books! This one went a lot faster than my Winter and Spring challenges. Maybe it's the nature of the season or that I know what to expect after doing a couple of these.

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

I'm really happy with how this challenge turned out. I made all my selections and took all the photos ahead of time. The Fall challenge will look different because my schedule has changed with teaching. It'll be fun to try more professional and dressed-up looks. I love following the #10x10friends on Instagram because there are so many perspectives, careers, & lifestyles being taken into account. The first 5 days went great. Not needing so many layers made this round a lot easier. I've also been a hermit this summer with a lot of studio time to write & work on projects remotely so that made it easier for me as well.

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Friday I wore this for a day in Grand Rapids. I went to a Creative Mornings event where one of my lettering heroes, Molly Jacques, was speaking on Intention. Then I had lunch with Joel & his co-workers & finished the day working at the library. The skirt is thrifted. I love the texture & it always makes me feel very feminine when paired with heels. This gingham top is shorter so my midriff felt a bit exposed for a professional event. I threw a jean jacket over it. I love bringing more yellow back into my closet.

Gingham top (TJ Maxx) | Skirt (Thrifted) | Mules (Steve Madden)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Saturday I wore this slip dress to a family wedding by the river. It was a casual wedding so I traded my mules for flip-flops. I layered on a chambray top at sunset. You can feel fall in the air in Michigan which made the rust color of this dress feel in season. I love the shape of this dress because it fits well up top and flows more loosely at the bottom. Wearing flats made it feel more casual than I like but heels wouldn't have worked in the grass. I paired it with gold jewelry. I liked this look for a midsummer wedding!

Slipdress (Nordstrom Rack) | Mules (Steve Madden)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Sunday I threw this on for the coffee shop. The coffee shop is near our little cottage. I love writing there & was happy to sneak some time in before we went out on our kayaks for the day. I got these jeans at Anthropologie for $20 in the clearance section last year & call them my "artist" pants. The bleached hem next to the pink pattern of my espadrilles is a fun detail. I'm surprising myself by how much I'm mixing patterns & adding color.

Local tank (Ink & Threads) | Light-washed denim (Anthropologie) | Espadrilles (TJ Maxx)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Monday Is it weird I looked forward to Monday so I could wear these shorts? haha. I went back to the coffee shop to write in the same shirt but no one seemed to notice. I saw this Local tank at a market & loved it immediately. I'm super picky with graphic tees and how the type is set. The typeface needs to speak to me & this one definitely did! The shirt fabric is also super soft.

Local tank (Ink & Threads) | Camo shorts (Target) | Crossover slides (Sseko)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Tuesday Studio day to put together the August newsletter and prep for the week with my assistant. Super casual. I love the embroidered mermaid on this tee but the fit isn't my favorite. I like it for a beach day over my swimsuit but that's about it. The pink of her hair matches my espadrilles so that's a nice touch. :)

Mermaid tee (TJ Maxx) | Light-washed denim (Anthropologie) | Espadrilles (TJ Maxx)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Wednesday It was a casual studio day so this outfit was perfect for cleaning and organizing my space. This is probably my least favorite outfit so far. It was just, blah. But it was nice not to wear anything fussy while I was under my desk trying to plug-in the printer & going through bills that needed to be taken care of.

Mermaid tee (TJ Maxx) | Camo shorts (Target) | Espadrilles (TJ Maxx)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Thursday My favorite outfit so far. I LOVE this top my mom gifted me years ago. The gold shine and the v-neck really work with my figure. I hate how scoop necks feel on me and don't experiment much with differently shaped collars because none make me feel as confident as a v-neck. Maybe that's why I don't care for the mermaid tee. I wore this look to a design event in Grand Rapids. A friend recognized my pants from across the room so she knew I was there. Ha, the power of denim! The heels were great until we stood outside for a while listening to music. I'm a wimp in heels even though I enjoy wearing them.

Green sheer blouse (Gifted) | Light-washed denim (Anthropologie) | Mules (Steve Madden)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode
Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Friday While I loved this look at home and with the sticky heat we got this weekend, I didn't end up wearing it to the outdoor concert as planned. The shorts are a little cheeky if you know what I mean and the short top was really bothering me. One of those looks that are great until you have to move in it. I wore this instead. Kind of close with the ball cap and shorts, haha.

Gingham tank (TJ Maxx) | Camo shorts (Target) | Crossover slides (Sseko)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Saturday Once I went rogue on Friday, there was no stopping me! Our plans kept changing with the festival in town and the skirt with the felt hat was too heavy for the crazy heat we had. I was most looking forward to this one too. I will wear this in the final weeks of summer though. It's a good outfit for going to some farmers and flea markets I hope to get to this yet this season.

Mermaid tee (TJ Maxx) | Skirt (Thrifted) | Espadrilles (TJ Maxx)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Sunday Joel and I had a lazy day that required shorts, so I'm actually wearing this outfit now that challenge is done, instead of yesterday. We played cornhole, went for a bike ride, and grabbed a beer riverside at one of our go-to outdoor bars to finish the weekend.

Local tank (Ink & Threads) | Slipdress (Nordstrom Rack)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode


+ Took lightweight fabrics for granted. I never understood the need for lightweight fabrics until I went 10 days without them. My bottoms were heavy fabrics, making it uncomfortable in the 80-90° weather. I've paired down my closet SO MUCH in the last 4 years, I didn't realize how many light and flowy fabrics I donated. Probably because I don't need them as much in Michigan. My perspective has changed about that due to this challenge and I really need to invest in some summer fabrics for comfort.

+ Liked adding more color and patterns into my wardrobe. This was the biggest question I had starting this challenge and I'm happy to have experimented with more patterns and colors than I have since I started my capsule wardrobe. While I love neutrals, too much has become boring for me. I needed the blank slate to discover what I liked. Now I feel ready to bring color and pattern back little by little.

Images clockwise: @inkdiplettering / @jessekamm / @jazzyhwang / J.Crew


Mustard/goldenrod hues for fall. Striped linen. Workmen's pants, large pockets, bold colors. Need these Jesse Kamm pants on my wish list. Loving Candice's photos. Jasmine's message on body positivity is one we all need to hear, again + again.

You can see my inspiration + my 10 items for the challenge here. Thanks for following my Summer challenge! For more wardrobe inspiration see my Pinterest board and Capsule Wardrobe posts.

Pin for later

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode
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Living, Career Emily Bode Living, Career Emily Bode

Thank You

It's been a week since the launch of my new online space, Thank you for all of your kind words on the design and your support, encouragement, and questions over the 4-week process of getting this space all set up.

As is common with any project you put your heart into, it's been a whirlwind of tasks and deadlines to have this space align with the vision I saw for it in my head. I'm happy, proud, and grateful that it's turned out better than my original vision. I couldn't have done it alone. Asking for help will bring it to you 10 times stronger if you're open to receiving it.

Thank you to:

Photo via Poppy Rose Co.

Jess of Poppy Rose Creative

Jess is my right-hand woman. She tackled tasks like a boss while listening to my weekly emotional breakdowns and encouraging me to finish what I started. "The idea is good Em, now you just need to execute it". I'm in awe of how she juggles my endless stream of ideas and keeps me on track while navigating her way through Motherhood and starting her freelance writing business. Thanks, Jess!

Justin, web developer

Justin came to my rescue halfway through migrating all of my content from Brave Girl to this new space. Basically, I F'ed it up trying to do behind-the-scenes web development work to save some money and was facing spending a lot more money for someone to fix my mistake. The day before the 4th of July break Justin solved it with an ease and calm that I've admired in him since our design school days. Thank you, Justin.


Station Seven, Wordpress templates

Mike & Brittni of Station Seven are to thank for the structure of this site and isn't it lovely? It's all their genius. Not only do they have a keen eye for website design (see their Wordpress and Squarespace templates) but their customer service is TOP NOTCH. They did the install and set-up for me which was a huge stress reliever. I highly recommend paying a bit more for this service if anyone is looking to refresh their blog template. Can't recommend them enough to do the heavy-lifting seamlessly.


Seriously I've learned so much with this rebrand by simply Google'ing stuff. There are things I couldn't have been prepared for, like finding the special code of a blog post to get it to show up on the "popular posts" sidebar, that was quickly answered with a Google search. DIY is so much easier this way.

Kherington of Currently Kherington

Kherington is a fellow blogger and business owner who I often co-work with. She's also the lady hanging with me in most of my new brand photos around here! She was so encouraging to me during this process to keep going and reminded me this was a good thing to do even though it felt messy at the moment. She rebranded her blog a year ago and wrote great insights she learned when pivoting. I highly recommend reading it if looking to rebrand! Thank you Kherington for always being there to share blog tips, vent, and inspire me.

Leigh Ann Cobb Photography

Leigh Ann is to thank for all the new brand photos you see on each of my site pages like the About, Newsletter, and Contact sections. Kherington and I came to her with a vision early in the summer to do a shoot of women working in a coffee shop. I wanted a very imperfect, raw, and warm vibe to the photos and she knocked it out of the park.


I reference my mom a lot around here and on my Instagram not only as my mother but as an artist. She deeply understands what it means to be one and be in a constant state of self-discovery. She's taught me so much and is open with me about her experiences and her artwork. She's listened patiently and intently for the last 2 years when I first started considering rebranding. I feel lucky to have her to turn to with things like this. Thank you always, Mom.


My brother Jake has also been a patient sounding board to me through this process. He has a great eye for design and is honest with me if things in my writing aren't making sense (I mean he is flicking me off in this picture). He challenges me and pushes me to be more inclusive. A lot of discussions we've had played a big role in changing my blog name. I was only acknowledging female creatives and he continued to remind me it isn't "us against them". There are plenty of men questioning the very same challenges in our society who want to support and uplift women. Sometimes we women don't let them. I know this is a layered topic right now but in my inner circle, in particular, I agree with him often. Thank you Jake, for inspiring me to back my shit up and challenge my perspective.



Saving the best for last for my husband Joel, the one who is with me day in and day out. He encouraged me 5 years ago to publish my first post on Brave Girl. From the very beginning, he's challenged me to follow my urges and be completely myself. He knows tough love is what I need to stop talking and start doing and he's tirelessly listened to every idea, project, and passion I've ever had and treats each with unwavering support. He is my rock, the man behind the scenes looking for no thanks or applause yet showing up anyway. I will always embarrassingly give you the credit you deserve, my Love. Thank you for this and so much more.

We all begin the process before we are ready, before we are strong enough, before we know enough; we begin a dialogue with thoughts and feelings that both tickle and thunder within us. We respond before we know how to speak the language, before we know all the answers, and before we know exactly to whom we’re speaking.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves


And finally thank you to you, for reading my writing. For the wonderful chats we have in person about creativity and life and equally the ones we have via email and social channels. I've learned a lot. Most importantly, I've learned to begin before you have the answers. Before you know if anyone is listening. I hope this space encourages you to explore this for yourself.

Sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Instagram and Pinterest.

xo, Em

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Moon Emily Bode Moon Emily Bode

July Thunder Moon

Life lately in tune with the monthly full moon cycle.

June Honey Moon – July Thunder Moon

Hello! The July Thunder Moon is the 13th and final post in Full Moon Monthly, a blog series that recaps life lately and what's on the horizon. The July moon is also known as the Buck Moon because it's when the buck's antlers are in full growth. I like to call it the Thunder Moon because of the thunderstorms that happen often this month (I even hosted a July Thunder Moon party for our friends a few years back). Nothing like a Summer thunderstorm to relax you (source).Since the June Honey Moon there's been vacations, reading, visiting, & rebranding! A very full month, that's for sure.

Mystic Mamma's July full moon reading

July Thunder Moon


Summer 10x10 Challenge

My 3rd 10x10 wardrobe challenge will be on FRIDAY JULY 27. I'm excited because I'm the laziest with summer style. If it's lightweight and non-fussy that's all I want so we'll see how it goes. I've put a private Instagram group together this time around to encourage & support one another. A lot of people want to do the challenge without the pressure of posting daily outfits so I'm optimistic this will keep the challenge fun & lighthearted for us. Join us here. I'll post my daily outfits here as I have with previous challenges.

Summer 10x10: My 10 items / Spring 10x10 / Winter 10x10


My 28th birthday

Ahh, another rotation around the Sun. Thank you for it, God. My birthday is August 12th but I start celebrating the first day of August. Everyone around me hates it but I can't get enough. I don't have plans yet but the Perseids Meteor Shower peaks every year on my birthday and I haven't seen it in years. The comet Swift-Tuttle produces up to 60 meteors per hour (1 meteor/minute!) so hopefully, I'll watch them this year!

27 / 26 / 24


GVSU Adjunct Professor in the Fall

I've gotten the opportunity to be a design professor at Grand Valley this Fall semester and I CAN.NOT.WAIT. It's on my favorite design topic too; print design! Such an underrated niche in the design world. I'm excited to teach and share what I've learned from being a designer for 10 years. Here's to new school supplies!


Emily Bode new site

Woowee, what an undertaking! 5 years of posts hold so many wonderful memories from moving to a little lake town, buying our first home, getting married, moving to the city, changing careers a couple of times (greenhouse, freelance, in-house designer), back to the little lake town, and everything in between. But I'm writing this last post on my new EMILYBODE.COM site & I'm so excited to share more about why I made the switch soon & how things will be a little different around here. I'm most excited to offer a monthly newsletter of inspiration & intention for writers, designers, & creatives like you.

Subscribe to the Creative Grace newsletter

June Honey Moon


4th of July Vacation

We didn't do the 5K race as planned. We stayed up too late the night before but did our own little 5K on the country roads instead. It was honestly harder than the race would've been. haha. Our 4th was PACKED visiting friends & family we hadn't seen in awhile. It was so good to catch up with everyone. We basically bopped around from one lake cottage to the next. The last day we celebrated our friend getting married. He was the Pastor who married us. It was beautiful to see him happy with his Bride.


My staycation

After the 4th I took a mini-vacation of my own. I gained a new perspective on what a career means to me and had a lot of rest & relaxation. I enjoyed antiquing, a glass of rosé with lunch overlooking the channel, and ultimately seeing the lake town I live in through a vacationer's eyes. No wonder people travel here for the summer, it's gorgeous!


A day in Kalamazoo

One of my vacation days I went to Kalamazoo with Joel. I explored downtown while he had a few meetings (thanks to all your recommendations!) and then we met for a drink at Bell's Brewery. After we went to a Growlers baseball game and caught up with our friend who works there & his wife. It was a late drive home but worth it to catch up with good friends we don't see as often as we'd like.

My favorite Kalamazoo spots: Water Street Coffee Joint / Curate & Co. / Bell's Brewery


Screened-in porch updated

I FINALLY cleaned out our screened-in porch. It became a catch-all when we moved back this Spring. It needed a good spruce up. I have a grander vision for this space that includes new porch furniture, a large rug, & a fresh coat of paint but I'm happy we had odds & ends leftover from our wedding & past rental for places to sit & eat. I didn't think I was quite so 70's vibes but I guess I am right now. More thoughts on home.


Catching up with friends

Our friends from Morocco stopped for a visit! It was so good to catch up with them & meet their little one. He was so cute & laidback, much like his parents. ;) If there was a theme to this past month it would be spending time together with friends & family we think about all the time but don't see often. It filled my soul & made me grateful over & over for the good people in our Life.

Full Moon Monthly recaps life lately and what’s on the horizon. See all moons here.

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Style Emily Bode Style Emily Bode

Summer 10x10: My 10 items

It's time for my third 10x10 challenge, starting Friday, July 27! The challenge is to create 10 outfits from 10 items for 10 days in a row. It was created by Lee and co-hosted by Caroline.

My items aren't current or on-trend necessarily so my main goal is to inspire you with the items you already have in your closet instead of trying to mimic the same exact outfit I have. For instance, if you like a top I'm wearing, what is it you like about it? The color? The texture? Maybe the shape or cut? Find something similar you already have. I hope these outfits will encourage & inspire you to play with your style!

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

My inspiration

I want more color, patterns, & texture! My spring & winter challenges were very neutral. By the time this summer rolled around I was over solids, basic & ivory tones. To start, I took notes so picking items didn't feel so overwhelming. I like to have the main goal, list out any important events I have, a general idea of forecast & inspirational images to help me narrow down my 10 items. The heavy lake air of peak summertime, deep greens surrounding me, my favorite time of day golden hour & beach day picnics are my inspiration.

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

My 10 items

I'll be in the studio and coffee shops for the majority of the 10 days. I'm grateful for the season I'm in where this is possible & I can be very laid back with my outfits. I have a networking event on day 1 and an outdoor wedding on day 2 so those are my most dressed-up days. Other than that it's super casual.

50% of my items are new. I was really frustrated with my options when getting ready after the spring 10x10. My whites were worn out & everything was SO neutral. I felt like my personality was being washed away. I look at it like the last 4 years I was creating a blank canvas. Now I'm ready to infuse more fun into my wardrobe again.

I'm FINALLY counting shoes in my 10 items! I'm not counting layers. It might rain during the second half and I'll need a rain layer but it's too unpredictable for me to add items in I might not need. We'll see how it goes with only 8 items of clothing & 2 pairs of shoes.

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

4 Tops

  • Gingham Tank (TJ Maxx)

  • Mermaid Tee (TJ Maxx)

  • Sheer blouse (Gifted)

  • Local tank (Ink & Threads)

3 Bottoms

  • Camo shorts (Target)

  • Patterned skirt (Thrifted)

  • Light-washed jeans (Anthropologie)

1 Dress

  • Rust-colored dress (TJ Maxx)

2 Shoes

  • Pink espadrilles (TJ Maxx)

  • Tan crossovers (Sseko) or Mules (Steve Madden)

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

My looks

Here are some of the looks I'm planning. I use the Stylebook app to organize and document everything. It tracks cost per wear and has a calendar to plan ahead of time. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the app if you're looking for a way to organize and see different options you can make out of 10 items.

My approach to this challenge is different than past ones. I shot 10 looks ahead of time and will show the inspiration vs. the reality each day. I'm not sure if it's appearing this way to you, but I'm being a lot looser with this challenge. The other one's I spent A LOT of time each day getting ready, taking photos, & editing. It was a time suck.

This time I really hope to inspire others on their own closet journey. You don't need on-trend items to discover your personal style & you don't need perfect photos to share your personal projects online. If it can inspire even one person to love what they have in their closet & love how they look before they go out I'll consider it successful. We don't need retail therapy as much as we think we do.

Free inspiration guide sheet for 10x10 challenge | Emily Bode blog

Join me on Instagram

I’ve started a local group of 10x10 Michigan friends in my Instagram DM’s to share style discoveries & encouragement with one another in a more intimate setting. Shoot me a message & I'll add you. There are so many unique reasons each of us has decided to do this. From trying out new maternity clothes to using it as a test to clean out the closets there's a great variety of women in the group right now. You can also keep up with my daily looks on Instagram. Happy 10x10 friends!

Pin for later:

Summer 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode
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Style Emily Bode Style Emily Bode

How I Define a Capsule Wardrobe

One word: Loosely.

I started a capsule wardrobe 4 years ago to discover my style and reduce time getting ready. A capsule wardrobe is a collection of essential items of clothing that don't go out of style and can be worn seasonally. I get completely overwhelmed in the toothpaste aisle. Seriously we don't need a full aisle of toothpaste options, ya'll sellin' the same thing. So, it's no surprise I needed to reduce my options in other areas of my life.

Keep reading if you've ever felt shame or guilt about LOVING to shop, hitting the seasonal sales, & not owning any sustainable or conscious clothing. Even if you don't want to start a capsule, this post is for you too. You might find they're not exactly what you think...

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

54 items per season

You can find all over the internet different "rules" for a capsule. Some say 37 items, some 42.

I like 54 per season. I split my wardrobe into 2 seasons so I have about 110 items. This includes outerwear and shoes. It does not include jewelry, activewear, undergarments, or pajamas.

Living in Michigan I need to account for the 4 seasons of weather. Living by the lakeshore I need to account for weather patterns changing multiple times a day! This is why my capsule wardrobe is loose & I often refer to it as a seasonal wardrobe. I've since found a lot of staple items that transition well between 2-3 seasons. It allows me to keep my total count modest.

The main goal for me is to reduce EXCESS. I’m working to reduce excess in all categories. I simply don’t need 10 pairs of yoga pants. There are 7 days in a week and I wear them 2-3 times before washing. This would change if I were a yoga instructor because I'd probably live in yoga pants! Have a number that fits your lifestyle & don't hold tight to it if it makes you feel bad.

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

Bring one in, take one out policy

This is usually not difficult as I've paired down my wardrobe to the essentials. For example, if a white shirt is tired I replace it with a new one. Shoes are another story.

Free inspiration guide sheet for 10x10 challenge | Emily Bode blog

Free inspiration guide sheet for 10x10 challenge here | Emily Bode blog

Wardrobe inspiration each season

I note colors and trends inspiring me at the beginning of each season. Then, I take inventory of what I own by hanging my summer garments that have been boxed up during the cooler months. I noticed darker shades peppered through my summer wear this year. Since the shades are darker and fabrics a little heavy, I plan to uplift for the summer little by little.

I do a 10x10 challenge each season to help me curate outfits with ease. This challenge guides me to mix and match everything I unpacked in unique ways. It can also point out areas I may need to improve or change the fabric or color of my items.

Here's a starter sheet I use to take notes of my inspiration & top items in my closet if you need a starting point for your closet: my inspiration guide sheet.

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

Why I Capsule

I started a capsule wardrobe 4 years ago aided by the Unfancy worksheet guide by Caroline Joy. It started as a way to enhance my wardrobe for my career after college. My eye for quality started to improve after a few seasons. I noticed the poor quality of fast fashion on the racks; the wrinkles in the fabric caused by being shipped in a plastic bag from an unsafe factory overworking their employees; the loose threads on hems due to efficiency over expertise; I even noticed how the ink on the fabric for patterns and letters was blurry and haphazardly done.

A few trips to other parts of the world opened my eyes to all the WASTE on our planet. Waves of plastic rushed up the shore in Aruba where clear water and sand should be. I see it on the beaches of Lake Michigan as well. I started my capsule wardrobe to reduce my carbon footprint and be a more conscious consumer with the items and materials I bring into my home.

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

Not sustainable, not yet

While my goal is to be conscious and intentional with my wardrobe, I'm not a purist. My paycheck doesn't allow it yet. There are many brands changing the expectation of how garments are being made. I love these people and companies and give my money to these places when I can.

My favorite sustainable fashion brands:

These are my wishlist items. I've had my eye on Bryr clogs for a couple of years but can't decide which color I want. Someday, I will.

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

Other ways I try to be intentional:

  • Shopping at secondhand stores (Goodwill and Rock Paper Scissors are my favorite)

  • Trading items with friends and family

  • Do a different activity when I feel the urge for retail therapy (workout, read, etc.)

Surprisingly the urge goes away. If it doesn't, then I must really really want something & go from there.

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

Don't be hard on yourself

Roughly 54 items per season with intention behind each purchase I make. If I don't follow it one day or insist on retail therapy, I do it and don't feel bad about breaking the rules. There are so many things we can do to be better, stronger, healthier, kinder. However if the thought of a capsule wardrobe brings you stress, negative self-talk, or less joy, no diet, workout, or clothing challenge is worth it.

At this point, it probably seems like I don't even have a capsule wardrobe! It's true I make my own rules.

The biggest point I want to make about them is YOU DO YOU. If you want to join me in a fun wardrobe challenge because you're thinking of starting a capsule or really you're just bored & want to do something to mix up your daily grind, then let's do it!

If you're not a capsule person and you love fast fashion, that's great too! You're probably doing some other great thing for the world. Like reducing carbon emissions by riding your bike to work, donating to a great cause, or being a kickass sister or something.

I really don't feel like it needs to be either/or here & we can all just give ourselves a break. At the end of the day, it's all material things anyway.

What are your thoughts on a capsule wardrobe? If you have one, how do you go about it? What are sustainable fashion brands you love? I'd love to know more!

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

How to easily start a capsule wardrobe | Emily Bode blog

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Moon Emily Bode Moon Emily Bode

June Honey Moon

Life lately in tune with the monthly full moon cycle.

May Flower Moon – June Honey Moon

Hello! The June Honey Moon is the 12th post in Full Moon Monthly, a series that recaps life lately and what's on the horizon. The more popular name for June is the STRAWBERRY MOON because it's a signal to start gathering ripening fruit like strawberries. I went with the HONEY MOON instead because it's fewer letters to sketch & it makes me think of my friend & her husband who share their honey with us from the bees they keep. It's so delicious! (source).Since the May Flower Moon there's been a lot of reading, researching, & rebranding! A very full month, that's for sure.

Mystic Mamma's June full moon reading

June Honey Moon


4th of July Up North

AKA The Greatest Fourth in the North. We've gone up to my in-laws’ cottage for the last 8 years! Every year is different but it's always filled with the annual family reunion, 4th of July race, and time on the water. I'm looking forward to stepping away from our house projects for a few days. I'm also running a 5K thanks to Megan & Amber who've inspired me to kick it into gear with more workouts. It always makes me feel better. Here's to hoping I finish this year. Tiger wins like every year, obviously.


House Projects

Speaking of house projects, we're still chipping away. We need to make updates here & there to make it more beach cottage-y. We live 2 blocks from the lake so all the nautical, beachy, Michigan vibes are really inspiring me. This month we're installing ceiling fans (I'm incredibly picky on choosing fans but Hunter brand all the way) & putting together the guest room with bedding & curtains. Eventually, we're getting to our screened porch, the bathroom, & landscaping next year.

Spring cleaning / Fall decor inspiration / All Moon Lodge posts


Growlers Game

Headed to a Growlers Game this month! We went around this time last year & had a blast. Our friend works there & it's always fun to catch up with him & his wife since we don't see them much. I love watching baseball in the summer. It's THEE SLOWEST game next to golf to me but a midsummer ball game is the epitome of summer to me. "Take me out to the ball game" at the 7th inning stretch brings me back to ball games I went to with my family when I was younger & makes me nostalgic. Can't wait!

August Sturgeon Moon / My 27th birthday


Creative Grace Newsletter

I'm rebranding the blog! Basically, I'm shifting the look & how I share my writing with you. Because it's 5 years worth of posts, it's quite the overhaul of my online space. I'm taking advantage of this slower season to tackle what I've been wanting to do for a couple years now. I explain more about it here in my BLOG HIGHLIGHTS and will have a couple posts on the new site about why I'm doing this. It's essentially going to make it WAY easier for you to find the topics you want to read, HOW you prefer to read them, & more behind the scenes of my work as I go. There will also be a monthly newsletter where I'll send my top posts, people, products, & books/music I'm loving & who are inspiring me that month.

Sign up here if you're in, first one will reach you in August.

May Flower Moon


Beach Volleyball team

2-1 so far, whoop whoop! We jokingly say we're in the B League, AKA Beer League. It's been so much fun & something I look forward to every week. I called the court a field yesterday if that gives you any indication of my skill level. I also spiked it at an opponent’s face when we already won & were just playing the third game for fun. So yeah, I'm kind of an amateur asshole right now but maybe I'll get better as we go.


Shibori Dyeing with Mom

It went well except I got the wrong die so our patterns ended up being in a deep almost purple-blue. My mom brought avocado pits though because she heard avocados create a pink blush dye. Those worked out best! We left them in the dye overnight and really happy with the results. I'm going to try it again with this DIY post by The Fresh Exchange. At this point, I'm more tempted to just get these shibori pillows at Target. I love the IDEA of creating these by hand but I got super irritable in the middle of it because it wasn't going perfectly. I was so cranky, my poor mom. haha.

DIY coasters / DIY Lemon Honey face wash / Bluesy-inspired moodboard

Community Over Competition with Currently Kherington

Kherington & I's photoshoot with Leigh Ann was SO MUCH FUN! It ended up being a beautiful night. We both had a completely different plan of what we were going to wear for it & then each of us had something weird happen with our planned outfits before the shoot. We both showed up wearing a fun summer top & wide flares with heels. We also discovered we do the same thing when we're stressed & I couldn't believe it! She'll be sharing that & more from our conversation about what community means to us on a new blog series she'll have next month! You'll be seeing a lot more pics from this shoot coming up from me too.

Kherington's blog / My capsule wardrobe


Joon + Co Capsule Wardrobe Photoshoot

I got photos back from a shoot I did for Joon + Co with a fellow freelancer, Natalie Hawkins. They're so bright, simple, & classic for Joon + Co's upcoming Capsule collection! We had such a great day shooting at The Rockford Wedding Studio with Lisa Hammond and Joon + Co-founder, Becky Vandenbout. I feel like a broken record when I talk about Becky and her amazing vision but it's so good, so true, & she works her ass off bringing sustainable items & fabric/fashion education to West Michigan. More from this shoot coming up too!

Joon + Co shop / High waisted pants for Fall / Loungewear for working at home


Jack Johnson Concert

We took a road trip to see Jack Johnson live with friends! Our wedding song was What You Thought You Need so Jack's close to our heart. His lyrics speak to me always at the right time. It brought me back to high school days when I'd play Banana Pancakes & Better Together in my old Buick on the way to school. I DM'ed him before the concert hoping to pull on his heartstrings to play Joel & I's wedding didn't work & he didn't play it but it was so great to catch up with friends & listen to live music on a summer night.

A letter to my husband / Our Harvest Moon wedding / My bachelorette party


New Kayak!

See that mint-green beauty?! That's my new kayak. The same color as my favorite ice cream. I've been wanting a kayak for a long time to go with Joel but have been so picky about the color of the kayak that I never got one. Finally, I found this one at Meijer and am LOVING it! We've gone on the water with it twice & hoping for more sunny days on the water this summer.

A chat with nature / A meditation when by the lake

Full Moon Monthly recaps life lately and what’s on the horizon. See all moons here.

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode

Grace For Your Week

There's been a consistent theme I've noticed in my conversations lately —"You're being too hard on yourself."

Over & over again, like a broken record. I am one to recognize patterns. I use them as good signs of clarity when I struggle to find it myself. Little signs from the Universe. May we just listen for them to know what to do next.

& so, after multiple times of hearing —"You're being too hard on yourself"I will take it as a good indication that I, indeed, am being too hard on myself. & when you're hard on yourself, you're most definitely hard on the others you surround yourself with. & then you're creating a negative loop where fun & enjoyment can't really fit in because nothing is ever good enough.

Mmm, musings on a Monday.

May we all be gentle & kind to ourselves this week. Give yourself Grace friends, I will be too. xo. Em

Speaking of Grace, it's about to pop up a lot more around here. Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to know about it.

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Style Emily Bode Style Emily Bode

Summer Capsule: "Local" tank

Sunday's seem to be my time to write lately. An unwinding of the past week before the winding up of the next.

Lately, life has been enjoying the transition to Summer with walks to the lake, playing darts in the garage, having bonfires by moonlight, and sleeping/watching movies/eating ice cream when it rains mixed with A LOT of house projects and navigating around the piles from our move back to the Lakeshore.

I've been trying to balance this with taking care of my mind, body, soul more intentionally (freakin' HARD) and continuing to navigate & define my design business (freakin' HARD). Truly I am tired & frazzled. If there's one thing I've learned from having my own business it's understanding deeply that things are cyclical.

High highs, low lows.

The vision I had of myself when I was younger is so different from who I am now. That used to scare me but it has to be one of the most liberating feelings ever. When all those things you thought you'd have or you thought you'd be this type of person fade away, it seems to be where the real growing begins & wonder is waiting.

I don't know – thoughts on a Sunday after a fun weekend with my parents, brother, & Joel are muddled yet memorable. A feeling of belonging in your inner circle, your family, community, cubicle, tribe, favorite bar, your inner self within, is a comfort I wish for everyone. It's one I've struggled with & probably will again & again in different seasons of my life but when the feeling comes around I hope you don't run away from it. I hope you can feel like a LOCAL wherever & however with whomever.

Thank you for being here. More & more I realize this space isn't for me to strategize, implement, or goal-set but is rather a corner where self-reflection is judgment-free, the path uncertain, & the conversation nothing if not honest.

I hope you have a great week! Mine's looking like a bit of catch-up on the task list, getting my new studio organized, & damnit if I can't get to the grocery store. xo, Em

"Local" tank from Ink & Threads apparel

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Home Emily Bode Home Emily Bode

Urban to Rural: The Things We Keep

I almost put on our wedding invitations – No plastic, please.

Urban to Rural: The Things We Keep | Brave Girl Design + Blog

Urban to Rural: The Things We Keep | Brave Girl Design + Blog

Urban to Rural: The Things We Keep | Brave Girl Design + Blog

Urban to Rural: The Things We Keep | Brave Girl Design + Blog

Urban to Rural: The Things We Keep | Brave Girl Design + Blog

Urban to Rural: The Things We Keep | Brave Girl Design + Blog

If you were to visit our home you wouldn't find Tupperware in the cupboards. Unless Joel snuck it in. Or it held a treat from a gracious friend and will be returned to them soon. Most didn't end up getting us plastic items after all. They know me well, for that I'm grateful. Plastic is inevitable but I do what I can. During our continued Spring cleaning Joel has said this on repeat: Don't throw this out, I'm still using it. On a scale of 1 to Irrational, I'm an impatient 9 when it comes to organizing the Moon Lodge.

Through all the box-digging I've wondered, Why do we keep the things we keep?

I'm just shuffling things from one room to the next in hopes the piles will become smaller and smaller – making space. It's tempting to box it all up & donate. Out of sight, out of mind. Then I find a box I forgot about. It's holding an old WNBA Shock jersey, CDs from my 90's childhood, a vintage butterfly box, an olive green fork, boat tickets to Beaver Island.

Why do we keep the things we keep?

In all the minimalism are memories being forgotten? Might there be a space where both can be kept? Yes, & it looks like my Grandma's cabin blanket at the end of our bed. A walking stick from a trip to Lake Superior with my Dad next to a dish holding my sage from Kate on the credenza we built last May. A mermaid, like my Mother's, nearby.

There are piles and they're getting to me (my drive for clarity is a curse). But they are piles that surround me with memories & moments from the ones I love & who love me back. That will always be worth keeping. Off to put a fresh coat of paint on the studio/guest room before my parents arrive for a weekend visit. May we take care of our people like we take care of our piles, friends.

Follow me on Instagram to see what else I've been up to lately! xo, Em

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Moon Emily Bode Moon Emily Bode

May Flower Moon

Life lately in tune with the monthly full moon cycle.

April Pink Moon – May Flower Moon

Hello! The May Flower Moon is the 11th post in Full Moon Monthly, a blog series that recaps life lately and what's on the horizon. The May full moon is also known as the Mother's Moon or Milk Moon and is a time of increased fertility which is definitely apparent with all the trees & flowers in full bloom and the creatures bearing little ones in this warmer weather. There's a bit of folklore with the May Flower Moon that it's an ideal time to accept a marriage proposal! (source). Since the April Pink Moon, there's been a lot of visiting with family, exciting projects, and prepping for the Summer season.

Mystic Mamma's May full moon reading

May Flower Moon


Memorial Weekend Clean-up

This weekend we took a break from our usual Up North hangs to get some work done on The Moon Lodge. After a year away she's in heavy need of cleaning! I've been going through old boxes in the basement and stumbled upon an old project. I wrote a lyric in different lettering styles each day for a month. It's been magical to see old things in a new light and I'm excited for fun changes to The Moon Lodge this summer!

Related: The Moon Lodge


Reading on the beach

I've been trying to be more intentional in taking breaks when I need them. It's a schedule and mindset shift for sure as I often choose work instead of rest. Light beach reads have been on rotation & I don't see that stopping any time soon. Any book recommendations for the beach?!


New Brave Girl Assistant

With my business, this blog, and now the print shop, I've added a new person to the team to divide & conquer. She's my first hire, local & has already added more growth, energy, & momentum to Brave Girl in the last 2 weeks than I could've ever imagined. I'm so excited for what's next & to continue working with her to provide our design clients with the help & style they're seeking. More details soon!


Beach Volleyball team

Joel & I signed up to play beach volleyball with my brother and a few of our friends this summer. I played years ago so I'm excited to start it back up again and play right by Lake Michigan every week.

Image via Apartment Therapy

Shibori Dyeing w/ Mom

My Mom and I had the same idea to have indigo-colored throw pillows for our living rooms this summer without even knowing it. After we discovered it over the phone one day we've decided to make our own. She used to have my brother & I tye-dye all the time growing up so we have a good start already. Shibori is a Japanese dyeing technique that involves folding & twisting the fabric, then dyeing it in indigo. Working from this DIY post, we'll see how it goes!

April Pink Moon


Health & Wellness as priority

It's the first time in a while I've been intentional with my wellness. There are so many health facts now it's easy to feel like you're not doing ANYTHING right. I've started with VERY SMALL steps & I'm not trying to shift everything ever really. I like salt too much. Just listening to what my body needs at the moment. In the last month, that means an Acai bowl for breakfast, 3 meals/day, running or walking a few times a week, & shutting down work to play more often.

Related: Self-care for creatives


Joel's 25K race

Joel did AMAZING at the Riverbank Run 25K in Grand Rapids last month. He ended up finishing in a 1:43 which is about 6:40/mile pace! A personal record for him and he didn't even look like he was struggling near the finish line. He took a well-deserved nap on the ride home after we had a celebratory beer with my brother and sister-in-law who ran the 10K that day.


Lettering for a Saugatuck wedding

I did the lettering for a Heyday Lab wedding that I absolutely adored. Jamie's vision for weddings & events amazes me so I was honored to be part of her team to make the signage for the event. It was all white lettering on clear acrylic with green foliage and champagne gold touches – so dreamy & romantic for an outdoor wedding at the beginning of the season. Check my highlights for more.


Mother's Day with Momma Moon

I spent an entire day with my Mom a few days before Mother's Day and was so grateful for our time together. We don't live close so it's always special & important to us. I also visited my mother-in-law after not seeing her for a while. It made me so happy to see both of my Mothers and celebrate them for all they've done for both me & Joel – before we met & now that we're a family of our own. The power of Love & the Women who raise us continues to amaze me.


Capsule Wardrobe photoshoot with Joon+Co

I did another photoshoot with Joon+Co for their Summer Capsule Collection with Natalie, a fellow freelance designer & marketer in town. Lisa Hammond photographed us at the Rockford Wedding Studio, a new wedding + event space she recently opened. I'm excited to share more of the sustainable & conscious pieces that J+C founder, Becky, styled for us. I've been getting a lot of questions about how to start a capsule wardrobe & how I do mine. I'll have a post here soon that details it all out for you. In the meantime see my capsule wardrobe posts here.

Full Moon Monthly recaps life lately and what’s on the horizon. See all moons here.

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Observations as of late

The heart can think of no devotion, greater than being shore to the ocean, holding the curve of one position, counting endless repetition.
— Devotion by Robert Frost

When the water is like glass on the surface, there is most often a quiet rumbling down below. When it arises, it will be powerful. Verbalizing what you need is not needyYour partner, friend, parent, co-worker will most likely thank you for clearing that up for them.

Most anxieties dissolve the moment I'm by the water with a good book in hand. Don't underestimate the sexiness of a man who does laundry after constructing a wall before making dinner but only once the lawn has been mowed. Joel, you are a dream. You amaze me every day.

There is a time for rest. There is a time for restlessness.

It is beneficial to know which one of those you are feeling and honor accordingly.

Happy Sunday, friends. May the week be nourishing & gentle to you. xo, Em 

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Style Emily Bode Style Emily Bode

Spring Capsule: White & Denim

I promise to tidy up before company arrives, wouldn’t want my socks & daydreams all over the carpet.
— Sarah Kay, No Matter the Wreckage
Spring Capsule 2018: White & Denim #anthrostyle | Brave Girl Blog

Spring Capsule 2018: White & Denim #anthrostyle | Brave Girl Blog

Have you had that moment yet? When your denim lightens. When your blouse gets thinner – a sheer veil replacing knitted armor. The socks come off. Barefeet a bit unsure after hiding from months of chill. The movement inward to stay warm suddenly expands outward to warmth all around you.

Do we mimic the seeds around us? Do they lead by example?

These are the thoughts I have as I slowly remove the dust bunnies from their corners. I daydream about what this space can be – for the outward to reflect the inward – as I wait to welcome a friend into our unfinished living room.

I will resist the urge to say, “Sorry for the mess.” May I not apologize for the place I'm in.

I wonder where the candle should go. Moving it from one surface to the next, stepping back to see if it made a difference. Thinking this will spark a solution for where the rug needs to lay. Is a room like an outfit in some sense?

White top. Loose denim. Hair pinned back. No shoes.

I can always count on this formula when in doubt – for the outward to reflect the inward. And I think, just like this outfit, the solution for this space will come in time. I only need to wait for the moment I'm just as sure.

Classic. Simple. Light.

I hear a knock at the door. My friend has arrived. I step over the dust bunnies and the prints. The candle is fine where it is.

“Welcome! I'm so happy you're here.”

The prints on this floor really look best on walls. Shop them here.

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Home Emily Bode Home Emily Bode

The Time We Give

I woke up to the sound of thunder & rain today. The storm after a long, silent winter. The one that reminds you are, in fact, alive & it's going to be okay. Snuggled in a bit deeper, to let that really sink in.

And then: a book on the couch with my first cup of coffee. I have had to gently nudge myself to give TIME to me at the start of each day. Not a luxury, a necessity. Why is it we are always the first to go when the schedule gets full? The last on the list. Are we not the most valuable person in our own life? Are we not the sole being we are with second to second? To think we are not, to treat ourselves as if we are not, is a bit nonsensical, yes?

And so: a book on the couch with my first cup of coffee. Surrounded by words and letters, prints and frames. I suppose the thing I needed so badly showed itself to time.

Hoping the same for you. xo, Em

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Living Emily Bode Living Emily Bode

The Paradoxical Commandments

The Paradoxical Commandments by Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building might be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

Originally discovered in the Words of Women newsletter. Sign up here.

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Moon Emily Bode Moon Emily Bode

April Pink Moon

Life lately in tune with the monthly full moon cycle.

March Blue Moon – April Pink Moon

Hello! The April Pink Moon is the 10th post in Full Moon Monthly, a blog series that recaps life lately and what's on the horizon. This month's moon is called the Pink Moon to represent moss pink, a low evergreen mat that sprouts bright flowers signaling the Spring season (source). I started seeing little moss pink blooms on the trail this week! Since the March Blue Moon, there's been a lot of travel, a wardrobe challenge, and a big move.

Mystic Mamma's April full moon reading

April Pink Moon


Health & Wellness as priority

Last month was full of travel and a lot of change. It's taken a toll on my health so I'm looking forward to a more chill April for rest and reset. Joel and I are attempting MEAL PLANNING. Any tips? I'm not following the point of it but I know the need for a balanced diet is important. I've also joined Tea with Ditea group for an open forum on good-for-you food and female health topics.

Related: Self-care for creatives


Joel's 25K race

Joel's been training all winter for the Riverbank Run 25K in Grand Rapids. He's kicking butt despite what it looks like. He's done this race a handful of times but this particular one he's averaging 6:55/mile. Crazy, right?! I'm so proud of him and excited to cheer him on! Tiger & I's race day tradition is to sleep in, grab a coffee, and catch him near the finish line.


"The Journey of Freelance" at Ladies Wine & Design

I'll be on a Q&A panel chatting about my journey as a freelance designer at the Ladies Wine & Design event this month. Although it seems remote &/or freelance careers are commonplace in many parts of the country it's still a bit uncommon in Michigan. I'm excited to share my experience and maybe debunk some myths about freelance. GR friends, event ticket here.

March Blue Moon

Spring 10x10 Challenge | Emily Bode

Spring 10x10 Complete

My second wardrobe challenge is now complete! Biggest takeaway? I need to refresh my spring & summer wardrobe. My whites are looking tired and my style is changing again. How to do that while balancing a smaller carbon footprint and conscious consumerism? Well, I'll let you know when I find a good happy medium.

Related: 10x10 Challenges


Chicago for one of my best friends' wedding

The last few months have been full of wedding celebrations for one of my best friends since high school. The grand finale was their gorgeous wedding in Chicago! There were definitely April showers but we had a great time, tears of joy, and I'm still amazed at all the beautiful details my friend thought of from start to finish for their big day.


Nashville Part Deux

We took an impromptu trip to Nashville last weekend. It was the perfect bit of sunshine and live music to lift our spirits after the long Winter. Even though I was sick for most of it I still had a great time with our friends exploring the city.

Our favorites off the beaten path:

Back to the Moon Lodge

And finally the greatest change of all this last month – we moved back to the Moon Lodge! It's pretty crazy to look back on this last month and everything that's happened. It's definitely shifted a lot for me both inside and out and I'm excited about where it may lead.

Related: Moon Lodge posts

Full Moon Monthly recaps life lately and what’s on the horizon. See all moons here.

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